The major annual killers in the United States are heart diseases, cancer, stroke, chronic obstructive lung diseases, and diabetes. Preventive medicine has focused on the ways that can keep these deadly conditions from happening. This is mainly achieved through lifestyle modification such as cessation of smoking, a decrease in the consumption of alcohol, regular exercise, and a healthy diet.
The importance of a healthy lifestyle is evident from a number of research studies. A clinical trial was conducted to compare the effectiveness of comprehensive lifestyle changes and the conventional lipid-lowering drug therapy for the treatment of coronary artery atherosclerosis. The patients in one of the groups received conventional lipid-lowering medications while the patients in the other group were subjected to comprehensive lifestyle changes only. They quit smoking. They participated in regular physical activity and were provided with a low-fat vegetarian diet. The patients in both groups were assessed after one year. The results showed that complete regression of the disease occurred in more than 85% of the patients subjected to lifestyle changes only. In the patients receiving conventional lipid-lowering therapy progression of disease was noticed instead of regression.
The importance of exercise on the promotion of different aspects of health is obvious from numerous research studies. In a research, it has been reported that a regular exercise can decrease the progression of impaired glucose tolerance, a pre-diabetic condition to diabetes by decreasing the increase in the glucose levels after meals as well as increasing the sensitivity to insulin. The other health-promoting effects of a regular exercise reported in different scientific studies are li
sted below.
A high-quality balanced diet is another most impor
tant determinant of human health. The specific dietary requirements vary individually but the following changes, in general, can contribute to your overall health and well being.
A healthy diet promotes healthy living. Diet is a very imp
ortant factor that determines your future wellbeing. Those who are negligent regarding their diet are at a greater risk of getting, obesity, Diabetes, heart diseases, and stroke.
Cigarette smoking is found in one of the major risk factors for a number of cardiovascular diseases as well as a variety of cancers. Smoking more than 10 cigarettes per day increase the risk of lung cancer by several folds. Similarly, excessive consumption of alcohol increases the risk of getting cardiovascular and liver diseases. This is why it is important for you to discontinue any of these activities.
Ultraviolet rays’ can damage skin and increase the risk of getting skin cancer. This is why you must use sunscreen creams and lotions to prevent the ultraviol
et rays to penetrate your skin.
The take-home point is that a regular exercise and intake of a balanced diet are the two most important determinants of health. By making changes related to these two factors along with the cessation of smoking and alcohol intake can you can have a positive impact on your health.
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