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Latest News from the SID - Society of Investigative Dermatology

The Society for Investigative Dermatology is pleased to announce the solicitation of nominations for the Third Annual Albert M. Kligman/Philip Frost Leadership Lecture and award. This award is made possible by the generosity of Dr. Philip Frost and will be presented to an individual in acknowledgement of significant contributions to the understanding of structure and function of skin, preferably in the past five years. A $25,000 honorarium accompanies the award.

Nominations for applicants must provide the following information for consideration:

* A one page letter describing the nominee’s contribution to the understanding of skin structure and function;

* A C/V and Bibliography (including a list of the ten most pertinent publications);
* Confirmation of ability to accept the award and present a lecture at the SID Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia on May 5, 2010.

The deadline for submission of nominations is December 16, 2009. Final selection and notification of the awardee will occur on or around January 14, 2010.

Questions regarding this prestigious award should be directed to Jim Rumsey at the SID Administrative Office via phone (216/579-9300 x 302) or email ( Updates regarding this award will be posted on the SID website (

Abstract Submissions to the 2010 Annual Meeting of the SID begins today (Thursday, October 15, 2009). The SID is pleased to be continuing the use of AbstractCentral for online submissions. There are changes to abstract submission guidelines for the 2010 Meeting. Please be sure to visit the SID website ( for more detailed information regarding the changes.

The 34th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology is scheduled for December 4 (Fri.) to 6 (Sun.), 2009 at the JAL Resort Sea Hawk Hotel in Fukuoka, Japan. Please participate in the JSID Annual Meeting for opportunities to present your research and exchange opinions with dermatologists and skin researchers from all over the world. For details, please visit the meeting website at

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